
I Broke My Leg. Can I Get Short-Term Disability? (Solved)

Dealing with a broken leg can be a discomfort. A bone fracture in the leg is very painful and could cause restrictions.  It is difficult to walk with a broken leg and even do essential things. Working with a leg fracture can be nearly impossible.  You will most likely need help to move around. Getting aid[…]

Do Employers Drug Test for Short Term Disability?

A drug test is a type of test that is carried out on an individual to test for the presence of illegal substances or abuse of drugs in the body system. It is usually carried out using your blood, sweat, saliva, hair, or urine. Some of the substances that are usually checked for are steroids,[…]

Can I Do DoorDash While On Disability? (Answered)

DoorDash is an online food delivery service that enables people to order food from restaurants. The food is then picked up for delivery by freelance workers.  DoorDash is one of the largest food delivery companies in the United States.  Through DoorDash, local businesses meet consumers’ demands for ease and convenience in getting goods and services.[…]

5 Stages of Adjustment to Disability

Every human being is likely to face some form of disability during their lifetime. Coping with such changes becomes an important facet of survival. Even if you’re born with a disability, you still need a coping mechanism. This is because once you become aware of your surroundings and environs, you begin to see that you’re[…]

7 Fun Places to Go on Crutches

No matter how careful you are, it’s almost impossible to decide the circumstances to befall you as you go about your daily activities. Some days may be full of excitement that you want to experience them again while some days might be terrible that you may end up using crutches as a result of an[…]

Is POTS a Disability? Everything You Should Know

POTS is an abbreviation for Post Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.  This syndrome is a form of dysautonomia or an autonomic disorder of the autonomic nervous system. It is a blood circulation disorder in which a change from lying to standing causes an uncommonly significant increase in the rate of change of heartbeat. A significant characteristic of[…]

Is Facet Arthropathy a Disability? All You Should Know

Facet arthropathy is a form of musculoskeletal disorder that affects the spine. It is a medical condition that’s common among people between the age bracket of 40 and 75 years and above. Even though the Blue Book of the Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes many musculoskeletal impairments as disabilities, is facet arthropathy one of them?[…]

How to Easily Win a Bipolar Disability Case

A lot of people with bipolar disability find themselves struggling to carry out activities ordinary people perform regularly with ease. With symptoms fluctuating between anxiety, depression, guilt, and agitation, you may find yourself so depressed on some days that you won’t get up from your bed in the morning to go to work or attend[…]

Can You Own a Motorcycle on Disability? (Answered)

The ability to independently own and ride a motorcycle can be a thrilling experience for many people. However, a lot of people might be of the opinion that persons living with disabilities cannot own a motorcycle due to the nature of their condition. Unlike other automobiles like cars and trucks, a motorcycle is quite risky[…]

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