
Best One Handed Stores

There are few companies that produce quality one-handed products that can serve one-handed individuals very well. And there are even fewer stores that have these products on sale. In this article, you will find a selection of the best one-handed stores that sell useful one-handed products like kitchen aids, dressing and grooming aids, meal preparation[…]

15 Core Strengthening Exercises for Amputees

Building a strong core is very important for you as an amputee. Your core is your center of gravity and where all your power comes from. It is fundamental in everything locomotion. And is the point for the generation of power, stability, and balance. As such, strengthening your core is crucial and should be a[…]

4 Unique Types of One Handed Walkers

The ability to move freely is a vital part of our everyday lives.  People with disabilities or others who cannot do so are at a significant disadvantage when it comes to being mobile. The introduction of the assistive technology of walkers serves to overcome this limitation.     Walkers are mobility aid equipment for people with a[…]

10 Best Jobs for One Handed Persons

Getting a good job is not exactly the easiest thing to do nowadays. This statement is true for disabled and non-disabled persons alike. On the balance, however, getting a job as a disabled person is decidedly trickier. This is not only due to disabled persons’ limited physical abilities, but also the fact that they often[…]

Top 4 Services Available to Handicapped Persons

There are numerous programs and services available to handicapped persons. The majority of these programs and services are from government agencies while others are from several reputable non-governmental organizations around the world as you will see in this article. Living with a disability does not in any way mean that you should go through life[…]

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