deaf person

Can You Be Fired for Being Hearing Impaired? (Answered)

There are two basic things an employer should look for and be concerned about in an employee. The employee’s qualifications and efficiency. Any other thing aside these two will automatically be considered workplace discrimination. Discrimination in the workplace is illegal and can arise in various forms and manners such as prejudices against your skin type,[…]

How to Take a Deaf Person’s Order

A deaf person is regarded as one who suffers from hearing impairment in both ears. It could be a result of acquired or hereditary hearing loss. If you have ever seen a person in a mall, cafe, or anyplace at all who cannot speak clearly and tends to use signs more, chances are you are[…]

Can a Deaf Person Work in a Warehouse? (Answered)

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people with disabilities have the right to work as long as they meet the requirements of the job. So, it’s not surprising to see employers hiring deaf people to work in manufacturing industries, retail, healthcare, construction, and professional services. However, there have been different lines of reasoning[…]

How to Easily Call a Deaf Person Over the Phone

Since time immemorial, communication has always been a crucial part of human societies. People communicate for many reasons, ranging from exchanging greetings with family and friends to conducting negotiations with clients and business partners. With the advent of modern means of communication such as the telephone, real-time communication has become possible with people separated by[…]

Can a Deaf Person Work on a Construction Site? (Answered)

People with disabilities usually encounter many difficulties when looking for sustainable employment. And when they eventually become employed, they tend to face discrimination and neglect from employers and their co-workers. One of the disabilities that’s mostly hit by this employment crisis has to do with those suffering from deafness or hearing impairment. In as much[…]

10 Surprising Jobs that a Deaf Person Cannot Do

Oftentimes, disabilities come with numerous restrictions and limitations, especially when it has to do with the type of job you can and cannot do. One of such disabilities is deafness or ear impairment. Even though there are many jobs that people who suffer from deafness can do, there are other jobs that they simply cannot[…]

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